The common cold, popularly known as acute viral rhinopharyngitis and acute coryza, is a viral infection that affects the throat and nose, causing mild to severe difficulty in breathing. Usually, cold is harmless and lasts for 7-10 days even without treatment.

As cold is caused by more than 200 viruses that belong to rhinoviruses or coronaviruses, the human body could not develop resistance to cold. This is the reason why a person gets cold for two to three times a year.

The contagious viral disease affects children and the elderly population, majorly. However, it also targets the people with low immunity levels. Also, cold is one of the common symptoms of many health conditions. It spreads through direct contact and through the air.

Symptoms of Common Cold

Symptoms of cold are revealed 1 or 2 days after the exposure to the virus. Except for one or two signs, cold causes almost the same symptoms. Dry or a sore throat, running nose, difficulty in breathes, cough, body and headaches that range from mild to severe, low fever and hoarse voice are a few common cold symptoms.

Treatment for Cold

There is no particular cold preventive medicine which is understandable considering the fact that cold is caused by many viruses. The same reason is what obstructing the medical sciences to find a vaccination as well.

However, there are medications that can help you in easing out the symptoms and their complications but not the medicine that can completely provide relief from cold. The symptoms last from 7 days typically but in a few cases, they may last for 2 to 3 weeks.

Apart from medications, there are a few hacks that could be employed to alleviate the complications.
  • Take Rest - Cold will not leave you in peace unless you don't give sufficient rest to your body. Make sure you take enough bed rest during the initial days of cold as it allows the immune system to fight the invading virus.
  • Drink Plenty of Water - Keep hydrated as sufficient fluid levels improve the immunity. Take juice and water at regular intervals. However, avoid cold water and mixing ice in juice as the strength of virus gets increased in a cold body.
  • Medications and Steam - Administer tablets and any other medications only upon prescription. The doctor may suggest tablets such as aspirin and ibuprofen in case of a headache. Also, breathing steam helps in relieving the stuffy nose.
Cold Prevention
The infamous saying 'prevention is better than cure' aptly applies to the common cold as well. The preventive measures for cold are simple. Follow them to find the easiest way to avoid the symptoms of a cold.
  • Avoid direct or close contact with the person who got a cold. This may sound awkward but direct contact with the infected is the major causes of cold. Follow it in a subtle manner.
  • Strengthen your immune system by consuming the healthy food that is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
  • Never use hands to cover your nose while sneezing. Sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it. Sneezing into a handkerchief is also a bad idea as you will have to use it many times.
  • Wash your hands before eating. Also, avoid touching your mouth or nose with bare hands without cleaning them.
  • Keep the surroundings clean and if you are in a crowded place with full of people, use a mask and gloves.
Cold can be considered as another common health issues that we face time to time. However, you should know the difference between the common cold and symptoms of a major health condition. Most of the health issues show the symptoms that are pretty similar to a common cold. If the symptoms are not getting healed with 7-15 days, make sure you seek proper medical help from the ENT specialists.
Pregnancy, for a woman, is akin to rebirth. Seemingly so because the woman not only gives birth to a new life but faces a risky circumstance during delivery out of which she emerges unscathed. Obstetrics and gynaecology doctors keep her under constant vigil to ensure that both she and the baby are in sound health throughout her term.

Pregnancy is the most fulfilling yet most challenging period of a woman's life. Nutrition during pregnancy assumes supreme importance as this food reaches the baby as well through the umbilical cord.  So the mother has to restrain herself while eating and follow a pregnancy food chart.

Let us take a look at the foods to avoid in the diet for a healthy pregnancy according to a pregnancy doctor 's advice.

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnant women have food cravings due to hormonal changes. Yet as per pregnancy doctor advice, these foods must be avoided by the pregnant mother to ensure the safety and good health of her newborn.
1. Raw uncooked food
Pregnant women should eat their foods piping hot. Yes, this is because raw vegetables or undercooked foods are prone to Listeriosis and Salmonella infections. Listeriosis is a food-borne infection caused by "Listeria" bacteria that causes meningitis, septicemia and even death to the unborn child. Pregnant women are 10 times more prone to listeriosis which is caused mainly  due to consumption of raw foods like these

  • Raw eggs
  • Unwashed or uncooked vegetables
  • Undercooked meat or deli meats like hot dogs, cold cuts, sandwich meat, sliced meat or lunch meats.
2. Unpasteurized cheese
 Some pregnant women just go gaga over cheese. But caution should be exercised while taking cheese as unpasteurized cheese is the main home ground for Listeria bacteria. Pregnant women must avoid unpasteurized and soft cheeses like

  • Brie
  • Camembert
  • Feta
  • Panela
  • Mexican cheese like Queso Fresco or Queso Blanco
  • Blue-veined cheese like Roquefort or Stilton
3. Fish
Certain fish have high levels of mercury in them which can cause nervous and motor disabilities to the unborn child. Here is a list of fish that pregnant women must avoid.

  • Marlin
  • Sword Fish
  • Big-eye Tuna
  • King Mackerel
  • Shark
  • Locally-caught pike, trout, salmon, walleye, bluefish or striped bass as they may be contaminated with chemicals in the water.
  • Even smoked salmon is harmful as it is not thoroughly cooked.
Pregnant women can eat well-cooked fresh water which is rich in Omega-3 and not mercury.

4. Fruits
Fruits are a great source of vitamins and anti-oxidants for pregnant women. Pregnant women must forbid these fruits
  • Papaya - Unripe papaya is rich in latex which may trigger uterine contractions
  • Pineapple - it is rich in bromelain which softens the cervix leading to early labour
  • Grapes - the high amount of resveratrol present in grapes may be toxic to the mother.
5. Vegetables
Some vegetables are just taboo for pregnant women if eaten abundantly, like

  • Bitter melon as it contains vicine which may induce a hemolytic disorder called favism in infants.
  • Raw sprouts, cabbage and lettuce as they may contain Salmonella.Eggplant as it contains phytohormones that may induce menstruation causing miscarriage
6. Nuts
Nuts like peanuts, tree nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, are avoided by women during pregnancy as some develop an allergy for them.

7. Drinks
Pregnant women may best avoid drinking

  • Caffeine as high amounts of coffee causes miscarriage.
  • Herbal teas as herbs like angelica, ephedra, kava kava, motherwort, mugwort, wormwood, liquorice root etc. cause abortion.
  • Unpasteurized Milk or juices as they contain E.coli bacteria.
  • Alcohol as it causes stillbirth.
Pregnancy is a boon and women must strictly shun these 7 foods suggested by obstetrics and gynaecology doctors for a safe delivery.