Impact of Regular Exercise on the Cardiovascular System

All of us are aware that regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy mind and body. This is specifically relevant in the context of the cardiovascular system for it helps in maintaining cardiac fitness.

The cardiovascular system (also known as circulatory system) consists of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries. The primary function of this system is to circulate blood rich in oxygen and glucose to all the body cells and to eliminate cellular waste products and harmful products like carbon dioxide from the muscular system.

Exercises that encompass any type of rhythmic and continuous activity involving the simultaneous use of several large muscles increases the working efficiency of the circulatory system by challenging the heart and the lung to work harder than they normally do during the resting periods. This results in better blood circulation and keeps the heart healthy and strong. Therefore cardiac specialist doctors recommend regular exercises for maintaining better cardiac health. This activity regime is particularly crucial for patients with cardiac ailments and those who have undergone general surgery procedures for the heart like bypass surgery and angioplasty. Let us understand how exercise routines impact and benefit this vital system of the body.

Cardiovascular Response to Exercise
The following adjustments happen to the cardiovascular system when we exercise -
  • The cardiac output increases due to a rise in the pumping capacity of the heart to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles. Cardiac output is calculated by multiplying the pulse rate (number of heart beats per minute) and stroke volume (amount of blood ejected by the heart with each beat).
  • There is an increased muscular blood circulation due to dilation of blood vessels in muscles thereby increasing local blood flow. This enhances the muscle’s capacity to utilize the oxygen circulated in the blood for supplying sufficient energy for movement.
  • There is a decreased blood flow to kidneys, liver and gut due to redirection or shunting of blood circulation to the working muscles.
Exercises for Cardiovascular Fitness
The cardiovascular activities list enlisted below can promote better cardiovascular health and fitness -
1. Physical activities
  • Any form of physical activity like brisk walking, running, jogging, cycling, biking, aerobic dance and snowshoeing is suggested. Aerobics are popular with women.
  • Swimming enhances cardiac strength and also acts as a muscular defining exercise.
2. Sports and Games
  • Golf which is usually played by people above 40 years of age and is increasingly gaining popularity.
  • Boxing acts as a form of intense cardiovascular activity.
  • Hockey which is a healthy game for all age-groups.
  • Skiing acts as an incredible workout and can be done in five to ten minutes.
  • Squash is an anaerobic exercise for people of all ages.
  • Baseball which is a game with moderate intensity exercise.
  • Sprinting and soccer are other sports that may be pursued.
3. Equipment that helps in exercising like cardio machines, ellipticals, ergometer stepper, cross trainers, recumbent bikes and treadmills are also beneficial.
4. Household activities like cleaning  and even dancing are also good cardiovascular workouts!

Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercises
  • Stronger heart and lungs and lower resting pulse rates.
  • Increased muscle tone, fitness and performance capabilities due to higher aerobic capacity and muscle endurance.
  • Good maintenance of healthy body weight and fat percentage along with increased bone density.
  • Reduced stress and lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
  • Decreased risk of heart diseases and some types of cancer.
  • Relief from mental ailments like depression and anxiety.
  • Self-confidence booster.
  • Better sleep patterns.
  • Enhanced physical appearance.
  • Weight loss enabler.
  • Higher levels of body immunity and life expectancy.


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