7 Best Diet Options for Diabetes

Living with diabetes is difficult. However, there are people who live a quality life even after being diagnosed with diabetes. It all depends on the food that you eat and the lifestyle that you lead. More than anything, the food consumed by a diabetic person plays a vital role. A diabetes-diet plan will help you in achieving the goal.

The goal is to keep your blood sugar levels under control and the secret is in molding this diabetes-diet plan that suits your body and lifestyle. Following this diet not only helps you in keeping your numbers under control but also improve your overall experience of life.

The diabetes-diet plan predominantly consists of high-nutrient quotient while being low or nil on the calories and carbohydrates. Consult your dietitian to seek help in creating your diet plan. Read the blog to know 10 best diet options for diabetes.

1. Leafy Greens
Calories and digestible carbohydrates cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Consuming a sufficient amount of leafy greens can help you in keeping the blood sugar levels under control. Leafy greens are also rich with multiple nutrients and extremely low on calories. The presence of antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin make consuming leafy greens a must for the people with diabetes.

2. Fatty Fish
A healthy diet could not be completed without the inclusion of fatty fish. They are, probably, the best food for people with diabetes, thanks to the rich presence of omega 3 fatty acids. Consuming enough amount of these fats important as they prevent cardiovascular diseases. Other fatty acids such as Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) available in fatty fish decrease the pressure caused by blood on blood vessels.

3. Eggs
Eggs are known for its health benefits such as decreasing inflammation, increasing good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the blood, improving insulin sensitivity and modify the size and shape of the bad cholesterol (LDL). It is proven that regular eggs consumption reduce your heart risks. For people with type 2 diabetes, it is advisable to consume the whole egg as they may require proteins available in egg white and yolk.

4. Cinnamon
This is the spice with better antioxidant activity and lowers the blood sugar levels. Cinnamon could also help in increasing the insulin sensitivity which is vital to reduce the complications of diabetes. Further studies need to concrete these statements. For now, cinnamon may decrease the blood sugar levels. However, the consumption quantity should not be exceeded more than a tablespoon per day.

5. Nuts
Nuts have always been the great sources of energy and proteins. Fiber, protein and low digestible carbs are common nutrients available in almost all nuts. Almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and cashews can not only help in boosting up your energy levels but also lower the inflammation and blood sugar levels. Nuts are, certainly, a great addition to your diabetes-diet plan.

6. Broccoli
Broccoli is a great nutritional source for people with diabetes as half a cup of broccoli contains just 27 calories, 3 grams of fiber and essential nutrients such as vitamin C and magnesium. Many studies have proven that broccoli neutralizes the harmful free-radicals. It also prevents various eyes diseases, thanks to the antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin.

7. Flaxseeds
The insoluble fiber that is formed of lignans can decrease the risk of heart diseases. Another important quality of flaxseeds is that they help in dissolving the blood clots while reducing the need for medications. They also improve the gut health, insulin sensitivity and the feeling of fullness between meals.

Other food options that can be included in your diet plan are apple cider vinegar, strawberries, garlic, squash and extra-virgin olive oil will show the better impact on lowering the blood sugar levels.

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