Bones give shape and form to the physical body. They are an integral part of all our activities, ensuring the mobility and activity of the body. Apart from that, they protect and provide the base to muscles and organs. They also work as storage bags of calcium.
The health of bones determines the quality of life of a person. Protecting bone health is not a big task and it is much easier than you think. All it takes is understanding the diet and physical activity aspects in life, followed by a healthy lifestyle.

Why You Have to Keep an Eye on Bone Health?
Bones are on constant growth when you are a child and they attain the highest bone mass at the age of 30. After that, the strength of the bone will gradually get reduced in the form of deformation. The deformation is much higher than the formation of the bone.
The likeliness of getting osteoporosis, a condition that makes bone weak and brittle, depends on how faster you are losing the bone mass.

Influencing Factors of Bone Health
Like any other body part, bones to require sufficient attention to be in a healthy condition. Here are a few influencing factors of bone health.

  • The Amount of Calcium in Diet - Calcium is the essential mineral that plays an important role in constructing bones. The diet low in calcium can diminish the bone strength.
  • Inactivity - People who are inactive physically have the highest chances for excessive bone degeneration. Physical activity is an important factor that keeps your bones healthy.
  • Tobacco Consumption - Tobacco consumption has been linked with excessive bone degeneration. Also, alcohol consumption needs to be moderated.
  • Gender - Compared men, women have the hight chances of getting osteoporosis as bone tissue in women are less.
  • Size of the Body - If your body mass index is below 19, you are at a greater risk of osteoporosis. Thin bones tend to lose the bone mass rapidly.
  • Family and Origins - People from western and Asian descent are at a greater risk of osteoporosis. Also, having a family member with osteoporosis will increase your risk of osteoporosis.
Tips to Keep Bones Healthy and Avoid Osteoporosis
The techniques to keep bones healthy is simple. You have to concentrate on three important aspects of life such as diet, physical activity and lifestyle.

  • Ensure you have included plenty of calcium in the diet. It is advisable for women to eat more calcium contented food than the men.
  • The dairy products, broccoli, canned salmon, almonds, dry fruits serve as good sources for calcium. If you are experiencing difficulty to find the right food choices for you, consult your dietitian for better options.
  • Vitamin D is instrumental in absorbing the calcium. There is the simplest way to increase the vitamin D levels. Just take a walk in the early morning sun and leave the rest to your skin.
  • Apart from the morning and evening strolls under the sun, you should consume rich vitamin D foods such as egg yolks, fortified milk, tuna and sardines.
  • Make physical activities such as jogging, walking and swimming etc., a must in your daily living and stay away from a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Physical activity not only improves your bone strength but also improve your muscle strength, ultimately strengthening your joints.
Osteoporosis is a condition that could be avoided with a healthy diet and physical activities. Make sure you are consuming enough amount of calcium and vitamin D rich foods. Also, consult your doctor for the suggestions on the food choices.
Living with diabetes is difficult. However, there are people who live a quality life even after being diagnosed with diabetes. It all depends on the food that you eat and the lifestyle that you lead. More than anything, the food consumed by a diabetic person plays a vital role. A diabetes-diet plan will help you in achieving the goal.

The goal is to keep your blood sugar levels under control and the secret is in molding this diabetes-diet plan that suits your body and lifestyle. Following this diet not only helps you in keeping your numbers under control but also improve your overall experience of life.

The diabetes-diet plan predominantly consists of high-nutrient quotient while being low or nil on the calories and carbohydrates. Consult your dietitian to seek help in creating your diet plan. Read the blog to know 10 best diet options for diabetes.

1. Leafy Greens
Calories and digestible carbohydrates cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Consuming a sufficient amount of leafy greens can help you in keeping the blood sugar levels under control. Leafy greens are also rich with multiple nutrients and extremely low on calories. The presence of antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin make consuming leafy greens a must for the people with diabetes.

2. Fatty Fish
A healthy diet could not be completed without the inclusion of fatty fish. They are, probably, the best food for people with diabetes, thanks to the rich presence of omega 3 fatty acids. Consuming enough amount of these fats important as they prevent cardiovascular diseases. Other fatty acids such as Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) available in fatty fish decrease the pressure caused by blood on blood vessels.

3. Eggs
Eggs are known for its health benefits such as decreasing inflammation, increasing good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the blood, improving insulin sensitivity and modify the size and shape of the bad cholesterol (LDL). It is proven that regular eggs consumption reduce your heart risks. For people with type 2 diabetes, it is advisable to consume the whole egg as they may require proteins available in egg white and yolk.

4. Cinnamon
This is the spice with better antioxidant activity and lowers the blood sugar levels. Cinnamon could also help in increasing the insulin sensitivity which is vital to reduce the complications of diabetes. Further studies need to concrete these statements. For now, cinnamon may decrease the blood sugar levels. However, the consumption quantity should not be exceeded more than a tablespoon per day.

5. Nuts
Nuts have always been the great sources of energy and proteins. Fiber, protein and low digestible carbs are common nutrients available in almost all nuts. Almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and cashews can not only help in boosting up your energy levels but also lower the inflammation and blood sugar levels. Nuts are, certainly, a great addition to your diabetes-diet plan.

6. Broccoli
Broccoli is a great nutritional source for people with diabetes as half a cup of broccoli contains just 27 calories, 3 grams of fiber and essential nutrients such as vitamin C and magnesium. Many studies have proven that broccoli neutralizes the harmful free-radicals. It also prevents various eyes diseases, thanks to the antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin.

7. Flaxseeds
The insoluble fiber that is formed of lignans can decrease the risk of heart diseases. Another important quality of flaxseeds is that they help in dissolving the blood clots while reducing the need for medications. They also improve the gut health, insulin sensitivity and the feeling of fullness between meals.

Other food options that can be included in your diet plan are apple cider vinegar, strawberries, garlic, squash and extra-virgin olive oil will show the better impact on lowering the blood sugar levels.

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When aged people forget things, they are teased saying-"hope you don't have Alzheimer's!" But Alzheimer's disease is no joke.
Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the cognitive and behavioural capabilities of the brain. Targeting seniors over 65, Alzheimer's is often confused as an age-related disorder which is not. Alzheimer's disease symptoms are often left undetected and worsen over time, and may even result in death.
Resulting in memory decline, Alzheimer's cripples the aged person mentally, not allowing him/her to be able to perform his regular activities. Eventually, the affected patient needs full- time assistance as he loses his ability to recognize even himself!
Nearly 44 million people in the world are affected by Alzheimer's disease or related dementia. It is one of the top 10 fatal causes that cannot be cured, prevented or even delayed!

What is Alzheimer's disease?

Identified over a hundred years ago in 1906 by Alois Alzheimer, this neurodegenerative disease is the cause of 60-70% of dementia. Almost half of the seniors above 85 get Alzheimer's.
The cause of Alzheimer's is primarily genetic although other factors like hypertension, head injuries and depression are also cited.
Alzheimer's disease symptoms are more pronounced only 4-5 years after the onset of the disease and this is why they often go undetected. Early detection of the disease can help to reduce the severity of its effects with proper medication.

Alzheimer's disease symptoms

1. Memory loss that affects the daily routine
  • Forgetting names and appointments and remembering them later.
  • Forgetting important dates and events
  • Misplacing their belongings
  • Forgetting familiar locations and routes
  • Asking for the same information again and again
  • Relying more on memory aids like phones, reminders or on family members for tasks they used to handle on their own.
2. Difficulty in planning and organization
  • Difficulty in handling many monthly bills and expenses
  • Trouble with numbers
  • Difficulty in organizing for a trip like getting their things together
  • Difficulty in following a recipe or plan
3. Difficulty in doing regular tasks
  • Changing TV settings
  • Switching off the gas, geyser or washing machine
  • Forgetting how to use a microwave or vacuum
4. Difficulty in remembering date and time
  • Confusion on the date or day of the week
  • Not remembering the time when they last ate etc.
  • Not understanding why something is happening/not happening then
5. Trouble with images, space and stance
  • Difficulty in reading
  • Unable to assess the distance - how near or far the object is- this can be dangerous if they are climbing steps
  • Unable to distinguish colours and contrast
6. Trouble with words
  • Not finding the right word to express
  • Unable to continue a conversation due to loss of words
  • Forgetting spelling or mispronouncing words
7. Poor judgement
  • Not able to judge strangers
  • trusting strangers with cash or belongings
8. Shabby appearance
  • Forgetting to brush, comb etc
  • Wearing mismatched outfits or not wearing shoes on both feet etc
9. Social Withdrawal
  • Not appearing in public or attending events
  • Avoiding talking to people
10. Mood changes
  • Angry, suspicious, depressed or reclusive

Stages of Alzheimer's disease

  • Pre-clinical stage - before the symptoms occur
  • Mild cognitive stage- when mild symptoms appear
  • Dementia

Activities for Alzheimer's patients

Family members and caregivers must evolve these activities for Alzheimer's patients to help them combat the disease
  • Counting coins
  • Crossword, Sudoku  or even Solitaire on the computer
  • Naming items or recalling events
  • Looking at books
  • Playing or singing music
  • Cleaning the house-wiping the table, folding the patio
  • Gardening
The only way to help people with Alzheimer's is to create awareness of the disease, understand their symptoms and help them to cope with their illness in a caring manner.

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Cloudy skies are great but not cloudy vision. Yes,  cloudiness of the clear lens of the eye is called cataract and it affects a person's eyesight.
The World Health Report claims that 20million people in the world are affected by age-related cataract. Around 3.8 million people in India are blind due to cataract. In fact, cataract accounts for 51% of the world's blindness.
About 10 million eye cataract surgery operations are being conducted each year in the world. Thanks to experienced eye doctors who are striving hard to eliminate this eye disease, the Cataract Surgical Rate (CSR) has doubled in the last 10 years.

Cataract - Causes

Cataract is the cloudiness of the eye lens which is caused by the building-up of protein in the eye.
The lens of our eye is made of protein and water. The protein is arranged so as to allow the light to pass through the lens. But with age, the protein bunches itself together to cloud the area of the lens, thus impairing the vision. If left unattended immediately, the cataract may spread and block out the entire vision. Ophthalmology specialists insist on immediate eye cataract surgery as the cataract may harden with time, making it difficult to be removed.
Cataracts can be classified into different types based on their causes
  1. Age-related cataract - this type of cataract forms as you get older
  2. Congenital cataract - this cataract is present at birth due to infection, genetic reasons or poor foetal development
  3. Secondary cataract - this cataract is formed due to other medical conditions like diabetes
  4. Traumatic Cataract - this cataract is formed due to injury.
The cataract usually affects people aged over 40. The risk factors causing cataract are
  • Advancing age
  • UV radiation from sunlight or electronic diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Alcoholism
  • Earlier eye injury or inflammation
  • Prior eye surgery
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Prolonged use of corticosteroids or diuretics
  • Prolonged use of statin to reduce cholesterol
  • Excessive myopia
  • Family history
Types of cataract based on their location
  1. Subcapsular cataract - this occurs at the back of the lens. Patients with diabetes taking steroids are more prone to this type of cataract.
  2. Nuclear cataract - this occurs at the centre of the lends and is associated with aging.
  3. Cortical cataract - this occurs in the white cortex surrounding the central nucleus of the lens. It starts from the periphery and moves towards the centre like the spokes of a wheel, forming white wedges.
Cataract - Signs and symptoms
  • Dim, blurred or cloudy vision
  • Difficulty in night vision
  • Sensitivity to light or glare
  • Need for brighter light for reading
  • Seeing a halo around the light
  • Fading or yellowing of colours
  • Double vision in a single eye
  • Changing the spectacles or contacts frequently
  • Nearsightedness in older people
Cataract treatment with eye cataract surgery
Once formed, a cataract can be cured only by immediate eye cataract surgery. there are many techniques for eye cataract surgery like
1. Phaco-emulsification
Here the affected eye lens is emulsified using a hand-held ultrasonic device and aspirated from the eye.
2. Manual small incision cataract surgery (MSICS)
Here the entire eye lens is expressed out of the eye manually by creating a self-healing scleral wound.
3. Extra-capsular cataract extraction (ECCE)
Here the entire eye lens is removed leaving the posterior lens capsule intact for implanting the intra-ocular lens.
4. Intra-capsular cataract extraction
Here both the eye lens and its lens capsule are removed and an artificial plastic intraocular lens is sutured or placed in the anterior chamber.
5. Femtosecond laser extraction
Here a laser is used to make a precise incision using Optical Coherence Tomography, keeping the remaining eye capsule intact.
Cure cataract immediately by heading to the best ophthalmology specialists today.

Nature has painted a pretty canvas on the world's landscape. The beauty of these vivid colours and shapes can be fully experienced only if you have vision. Maintaining a good eyesight is absolutely essential to execute one's daily activities and to experience a good quality of life. Eyesight diminishes with age and is further affected by problems like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataract etc. This is why following the right diet for eyes vision and regular consultation with an ophthalmology specialist is a must for one and all.

Foods that improve your vision

1. Fish
All Fishes are rich in Omega 3 and can hence prevent all vision problems from dry eyes to even cataract or macular degeneration. The Omega 3 in fishes is the vision booster as it increases the flow of intraocular fluid and lubricates the eye. It also helps to improve the health of the retina, thus preventing macular degeneration. All types of fish- tuna, salmon, cod, mackerel etc. are ideal for consumption. If you averse to eating fish,  you can consume fish oil supplements to improve your eyesight.

2. Greens and vegetables
Leafy green vegetables are the best for the eyes. This is because all leafy greens contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin which are vital for eye health. These 2 nutrients protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation present in sunlight.
A study reveals that a rich intake of Lutein and Zeaxanthin can reduce the risk of macular degeneration by 40%.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin slow down the process of macular degeneration and cataract formation by suppressing the formation of free-radicals, stabilizing the cell membranes and also shielding the eyes from the blue light emitted by electronic devices.
Greens like spinach, broccoli and kale also contain vitamins A &C, Beta-carotene and a host of other anti-oxidants that boost eye-health. Turnip greens, peppers, corn, pumpkin, chards and collards are also powerhouses of  Lutein and Zeaxanthin.
Carrot is the King of eye-health. Yes, a single carrot is endowed with 500g of vitamin A and abundant Beta-carotene, both of which improve your eyesight. Sweet potatoes, pumpkins, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts and beets are also rich in vitamins for vision.

3. Nuts and seeds
Vitamin E is a great eye-vitalizer that prevents cataracts and macular degeneration. Nuts and Seeds are packed with Vitamin E and are the best foods to improve your eyesight. studies have revealed that
  • High intake of Vitamin E in the form of diet or nutritional supplements reduces the risk of cataract.
  • Nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, sunflower, pumpkin, flax or Chia seeds are rich in Vitamin E.
  • A combination of zinc and vitamins and anti-oxidants like Beta-carotene, Lutein and Zeaxanthin reduced the risk of age-related macular degeneration by 25%.
  • Brazil nuts, Pumpkin seeds, Soya beans and chickpeas are full of zinc and antioxidants.
  • Retinal diseases like inflammation or oxidative stress may be caused due to light exposure or ageing. Omega 3 tends to protect the eyes from all these retinal diseases.
Chia seeds contain Omega # as Alpha-Linoleic Acid (ALA) which the body converts as DHA and EPA for better absorption.

4. Eggs
Eggs are abundant sources of Vitamin A which prevents the occurrence of night blindness. Lutein is a carotenoid present in the eggs which prevents dry eyes and macular degeneration. the Zeaxanthin present in the yolk helps to screen the eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

5. Fruits
Fruits are rich in carotenoids which help to arrest vision problems.  Fruits like strawberry, grapes and cantaloupe are excellent sources of Vitamin a. Citrus fruits like lemon and oranges are rich in Vitamin C which suppresses free-radical formation and ageing.

Consume these foods fit for vision power regularly and you will never need to visit an eye surgery centre ever again. But periodically consult an eye specialist doctor to ensure that you have perfect eye-health.

All of us are aware that regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy mind and body. This is specifically relevant in the context of the cardiovascular system for it helps in maintaining cardiac fitness.

The cardiovascular system (also known as circulatory system) consists of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries. The primary function of this system is to circulate blood rich in oxygen and glucose to all the body cells and to eliminate cellular waste products and harmful products like carbon dioxide from the muscular system.

Exercises that encompass any type of rhythmic and continuous activity involving the simultaneous use of several large muscles increases the working efficiency of the circulatory system by challenging the heart and the lung to work harder than they normally do during the resting periods. This results in better blood circulation and keeps the heart healthy and strong. Therefore cardiac specialist doctors recommend regular exercises for maintaining better cardiac health. This activity regime is particularly crucial for patients with cardiac ailments and those who have undergone general surgery procedures for the heart like bypass surgery and angioplasty. Let us understand how exercise routines impact and benefit this vital system of the body.

Cardiovascular Response to Exercise
The following adjustments happen to the cardiovascular system when we exercise -
  • The cardiac output increases due to a rise in the pumping capacity of the heart to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles. Cardiac output is calculated by multiplying the pulse rate (number of heart beats per minute) and stroke volume (amount of blood ejected by the heart with each beat).
  • There is an increased muscular blood circulation due to dilation of blood vessels in muscles thereby increasing local blood flow. This enhances the muscle’s capacity to utilize the oxygen circulated in the blood for supplying sufficient energy for movement.
  • There is a decreased blood flow to kidneys, liver and gut due to redirection or shunting of blood circulation to the working muscles.
Exercises for Cardiovascular Fitness
The cardiovascular activities list enlisted below can promote better cardiovascular health and fitness -
1. Physical activities
  • Any form of physical activity like brisk walking, running, jogging, cycling, biking, aerobic dance and snowshoeing is suggested. Aerobics are popular with women.
  • Swimming enhances cardiac strength and also acts as a muscular defining exercise.
2. Sports and Games
  • Golf which is usually played by people above 40 years of age and is increasingly gaining popularity.
  • Boxing acts as a form of intense cardiovascular activity.
  • Hockey which is a healthy game for all age-groups.
  • Skiing acts as an incredible workout and can be done in five to ten minutes.
  • Squash is an anaerobic exercise for people of all ages.
  • Baseball which is a game with moderate intensity exercise.
  • Sprinting and soccer are other sports that may be pursued.
3. Equipment that helps in exercising like cardio machines, ellipticals, ergometer stepper, cross trainers, recumbent bikes and treadmills are also beneficial.
4. Household activities like cleaning  and even dancing are also good cardiovascular workouts!

Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercises
  • Stronger heart and lungs and lower resting pulse rates.
  • Increased muscle tone, fitness and performance capabilities due to higher aerobic capacity and muscle endurance.
  • Good maintenance of healthy body weight and fat percentage along with increased bone density.
  • Reduced stress and lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
  • Decreased risk of heart diseases and some types of cancer.
  • Relief from mental ailments like depression and anxiety.
  • Self-confidence booster.
  • Better sleep patterns.
  • Enhanced physical appearance.
  • Weight loss enabler.
  • Higher levels of body immunity and life expectancy.
The common cold, popularly known as acute viral rhinopharyngitis and acute coryza, is a viral infection that affects the throat and nose, causing mild to severe difficulty in breathing. Usually, cold is harmless and lasts for 7-10 days even without treatment.

As cold is caused by more than 200 viruses that belong to rhinoviruses or coronaviruses, the human body could not develop resistance to cold. This is the reason why a person gets cold for two to three times a year.

The contagious viral disease affects children and the elderly population, majorly. However, it also targets the people with low immunity levels. Also, cold is one of the common symptoms of many health conditions. It spreads through direct contact and through the air.

Symptoms of Common Cold

Symptoms of cold are revealed 1 or 2 days after the exposure to the virus. Except for one or two signs, cold causes almost the same symptoms. Dry or a sore throat, running nose, difficulty in breathes, cough, body and headaches that range from mild to severe, low fever and hoarse voice are a few common cold symptoms.

Treatment for Cold

There is no particular cold preventive medicine which is understandable considering the fact that cold is caused by many viruses. The same reason is what obstructing the medical sciences to find a vaccination as well.

However, there are medications that can help you in easing out the symptoms and their complications but not the medicine that can completely provide relief from cold. The symptoms last from 7 days typically but in a few cases, they may last for 2 to 3 weeks.

Apart from medications, there are a few hacks that could be employed to alleviate the complications.
  • Take Rest - Cold will not leave you in peace unless you don't give sufficient rest to your body. Make sure you take enough bed rest during the initial days of cold as it allows the immune system to fight the invading virus.
  • Drink Plenty of Water - Keep hydrated as sufficient fluid levels improve the immunity. Take juice and water at regular intervals. However, avoid cold water and mixing ice in juice as the strength of virus gets increased in a cold body.
  • Medications and Steam - Administer tablets and any other medications only upon prescription. The doctor may suggest tablets such as aspirin and ibuprofen in case of a headache. Also, breathing steam helps in relieving the stuffy nose.
Cold Prevention
The infamous saying 'prevention is better than cure' aptly applies to the common cold as well. The preventive measures for cold are simple. Follow them to find the easiest way to avoid the symptoms of a cold.
  • Avoid direct or close contact with the person who got a cold. This may sound awkward but direct contact with the infected is the major causes of cold. Follow it in a subtle manner.
  • Strengthen your immune system by consuming the healthy food that is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
  • Never use hands to cover your nose while sneezing. Sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it. Sneezing into a handkerchief is also a bad idea as you will have to use it many times.
  • Wash your hands before eating. Also, avoid touching your mouth or nose with bare hands without cleaning them.
  • Keep the surroundings clean and if you are in a crowded place with full of people, use a mask and gloves.
Cold can be considered as another common health issues that we face time to time. However, you should know the difference between the common cold and symptoms of a major health condition. Most of the health issues show the symptoms that are pretty similar to a common cold. If the symptoms are not getting healed with 7-15 days, make sure you seek proper medical help from the ENT specialists.
Pregnancy, for a woman, is akin to rebirth. Seemingly so because the woman not only gives birth to a new life but faces a risky circumstance during delivery out of which she emerges unscathed. Obstetrics and gynaecology doctors keep her under constant vigil to ensure that both she and the baby are in sound health throughout her term.

Pregnancy is the most fulfilling yet most challenging period of a woman's life. Nutrition during pregnancy assumes supreme importance as this food reaches the baby as well through the umbilical cord.  So the mother has to restrain herself while eating and follow a pregnancy food chart.

Let us take a look at the foods to avoid in the diet for a healthy pregnancy according to a pregnancy doctor 's advice.

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnant women have food cravings due to hormonal changes. Yet as per pregnancy doctor advice, these foods must be avoided by the pregnant mother to ensure the safety and good health of her newborn.
1. Raw uncooked food
Pregnant women should eat their foods piping hot. Yes, this is because raw vegetables or undercooked foods are prone to Listeriosis and Salmonella infections. Listeriosis is a food-borne infection caused by "Listeria" bacteria that causes meningitis, septicemia and even death to the unborn child. Pregnant women are 10 times more prone to listeriosis which is caused mainly  due to consumption of raw foods like these

  • Raw eggs
  • Unwashed or uncooked vegetables
  • Undercooked meat or deli meats like hot dogs, cold cuts, sandwich meat, sliced meat or lunch meats.
2. Unpasteurized cheese
 Some pregnant women just go gaga over cheese. But caution should be exercised while taking cheese as unpasteurized cheese is the main home ground for Listeria bacteria. Pregnant women must avoid unpasteurized and soft cheeses like

  • Brie
  • Camembert
  • Feta
  • Panela
  • Mexican cheese like Queso Fresco or Queso Blanco
  • Blue-veined cheese like Roquefort or Stilton
3. Fish
Certain fish have high levels of mercury in them which can cause nervous and motor disabilities to the unborn child. Here is a list of fish that pregnant women must avoid.

  • Marlin
  • Sword Fish
  • Big-eye Tuna
  • King Mackerel
  • Shark
  • Locally-caught pike, trout, salmon, walleye, bluefish or striped bass as they may be contaminated with chemicals in the water.
  • Even smoked salmon is harmful as it is not thoroughly cooked.
Pregnant women can eat well-cooked fresh water which is rich in Omega-3 and not mercury.

4. Fruits
Fruits are a great source of vitamins and anti-oxidants for pregnant women. Pregnant women must forbid these fruits
  • Papaya - Unripe papaya is rich in latex which may trigger uterine contractions
  • Pineapple - it is rich in bromelain which softens the cervix leading to early labour
  • Grapes - the high amount of resveratrol present in grapes may be toxic to the mother.
5. Vegetables
Some vegetables are just taboo for pregnant women if eaten abundantly, like

  • Bitter melon as it contains vicine which may induce a hemolytic disorder called favism in infants.
  • Raw sprouts, cabbage and lettuce as they may contain Salmonella.Eggplant as it contains phytohormones that may induce menstruation causing miscarriage
6. Nuts
Nuts like peanuts, tree nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, are avoided by women during pregnancy as some develop an allergy for them.

7. Drinks
Pregnant women may best avoid drinking

  • Caffeine as high amounts of coffee causes miscarriage.
  • Herbal teas as herbs like angelica, ephedra, kava kava, motherwort, mugwort, wormwood, liquorice root etc. cause abortion.
  • Unpasteurized Milk or juices as they contain E.coli bacteria.
  • Alcohol as it causes stillbirth.
Pregnancy is a boon and women must strictly shun these 7 foods suggested by obstetrics and gynaecology doctors for a safe delivery.
With the current scenario of declining birth rates, women's health importance has assumed paramount significance. In improving women's physical and mental health, yoga has been found to be the most effective.

Yoga for women's health

A woman's body is unique as it undergoes periodic transformations in the stages of puberty, fertility, pregnancy, menopause and post-menopause. Yoga helps a woman to adapt to these transformations with minimum discomfort and maximum energy.
Women's physical and mental health is maintained as Yoga helps in
    1. A complete exercise of the body
    2. Total mobility removing stiffness and improving muscle and bone strength
    3. Improving metabolism
    4. Reducing weight
    5. Stress Reduction
    6. Pain Management
    7. Maintaining hormonal balance by regulating endocrine glands
    8. Female infertility treatment by regulating the reproductive organs
    9. Pregnancy and Natural childbirth
    10. Restoring Post-partum health
    11. Addressing menopausal and post-menopausal disorders

How Yoga promotes Women's health?

Yoga supports women at every step of their life.
    1. Puberty and menstruation
  • When a child attains puberty, she undergoes some hormonal changes which may cause her some initial discomfort. Practicing yoga helps to regulate irregular periods, dysmenorrhea etc.
  • Menstrual cycles for women are often accompanied by stomach cramps, backache, bloating, fatigue etc. Yogic asanas improve oxygenated blood flow to reproductive organs, thereby removing discomfort due to cramps. Bloating is relieved by the circulation of the water accumulated in the abdomen and removal of gas.
  • Mood swings and irritability are the indicators of a woman's PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome).  With yoga, the central nervous system is calmed and relaxed using breathing control, thereby reducing stress and tension.
  • Exercise like  Dhanurasana and Vajrasana are the best for regulating menstruation.
    2. Adolescence
  • This is a stage of life where a woman undergoes tumultuous changes in body and mind.
  • Restlessness, confusion and fear in the teenage mind can be eliminated by Pranayama or breathing control and meditation.
  • Some girls tend to put on weight as result of hormonal imbalance. Yogic asanas help in correcting the hormonal imbalance and reducing weight by constant exercise.
  • Even teen problems like acne and pimples are reduced by Yogic exercises as the body gets rid of toxins through sweat while performing asanas.
    3. Fertility
 Female infertility treatment is incomplete without Yoga. Yoga helps women to conceive by
  • reducing stress by breathing control
  • reducing weight and the possibility of PCOS
  • improving blood circulation to the ovaries
  • correcting hormonal imbalance by inducing blood flow to endocrine glands
    4. Pregnancy and childbirth
This is the most valuable stage of a woman's life where she needs yoga the most.
  • About 13% of the women experience depression and anxiety during pregnancy and childbirth. Yoga helps to reduce stress, alleviate anxiety and induce good sleep through its breathing control exercises.
  • Pre-natal yoga is priceless for women as it reduces the risks of pregnancy-induced hypertension or preeclampsia.
  • Spontaneous abortions are also avoided by the use of yoga in pregnancy.
  • Natural childbirth is achieved by the use of yoga in pregnancy.
    5. Post-partum health
Most women suffer "post-partum" depression due to weight gain, hormonal changes and fatigue after childbirth. Yoga helps to combat "post-partum" depression by promoting activity and exercise which reduce both weight and stress. It also helps women to gain control of themselves through breathing control and meditation.

    6. Menopause and post-menopausal  disorders
  • Restorative yoga postures help to calm the nervous system which tends to reduce all menopausal disorders like palpitations, mood swings, hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Yogic asanas help to improve bone and muscle strength, helping to combat arthritis and osteoporosis after menopause.
Women are the cornerstones of life as they bear the seed of life and save man from extinction. Create a world of wellness by promoting women's health through yoga.
Enhancing productivity and improving process efficiency is the ultimate objective of any organization. This objective attains more focus in the healthcare industry as hospitals have a diverse workflow in various segments. All the processes in a hospital must be monitored using a professional hospital management system to streamline its operations and enhance its efficiency.

The concept of 5S is a novel approach to achieve optimum quality management in hospitals. Introduce initially in the industrial sector, this path-breaking concept was first implemented in the year 2000 at the Castle Street hospital in Sri Lanka by Dr. Wimal Karandagoda. After its stupendous success, the 5S concept has become the rulebook at all hospitals to achieve continuous improvement in healthcare efficiency.

What is 5S?

The 5S concept is a part of the "Lean" approach of Management which aims to reduce waste and improving efficiency and workflow of processes in an organization. Often used in conjunction with Management principles like Kaizen or Continuous Improvement, TQM or Total Quality Management, the 5S concept is based on the motto- "everything in its place and a place for everything".

Why do we need 5S in healthcare?

Summarized in 5 simple steps - sort, straighten, shine, standardize and sustain, the 5S methodology is highly effective in healthcare by reducing waste in the form of unwanted resources, system downtime etc and escalating process workflow.

Hospitals often function with a disorganized working environ as they integrate multiple disciplines which are interconnected to each other. The workflows of each and every department  has to be continuously monitored and improvised to achieve overall efficiency. This is a  challenging task which might lead to unintentional lapses  and accumulation of waste.

The 5 S concept is the ultimate solution in eliminating the waste in hospitals  like
  • Excess medical supplies
  • The waiting period for both patients for doctors and physicians for supplies.
  • Under-utilized staff for patients
  • Unused or under-used equipmentNon-availability of supplies at the right time at operating room etc.
  • Unwanted delays in surgical and diagnostic procedures etc.

How to implement the 5S concept in hospitals?

The 5S concept is implemented easily in hospitals by the following steps.

The first step in the 5S concept is for hospitals to sort their inventory of stocked medical supplies, equipment, staff and resources. List all the absolutely essential items and separate the unwanted ones. For instance, stock keepers can segregate expired medicines, damaged syringes, outdated devices etc., all of which can be eliminated.

It is time for hospitals to straighten their steps or fine-tune their operations. They can do this by
  1. Labeling all rooms with patient-friendly signboards.
  2. Using directional signs to help patients to access the various parts of the hospital quickly.
  3. Grouping related services like radiology, serology etc. together and placing them close to billing counters.
  4. Organize supplies and stock in labeled bins to identify and locate them quickly.
For a hospital to shine in reputation, it must first polish its processes. The "Shine" aspect of 5 S refers to spotless housekeeping, hygiene, sanitation and cleanliness in hospitals. Sterilized equipment. clothing and supplies, clean hospital wards and floors, spotless counter tops and operating tables, trash cans emptied often and a general air of disinfectant can make the hospital shine.

Erratic functioning and mismatched procedures at hospitals will only lead to wastage of time and hospital resources. To avoid this, every hospital must standardize its procedures for operating, nursing, diagnostics and even housekeeping or billing facilities.

The last step in 5S is to sustain these improvements by continuously monitoring and improvising on the above 4 steps to improve quality of care.

Strengthen your hospital's management and optimize its operations by enlisting the services of professional healthcare consultants in implementing the 5S.
The female reproductive system is unique and complex in structure. The organs that make the miracles happen and give birth to a new life are more prone to get various health complications as one age. Many women health issues could be prevented with the help of healthy lifestyles that balances the diet, exercises and psychological aspects of life perfectly. 

What is Cervical Cancer?

The lowest portion of woman’s womb (uterus) is called uterine cervix and it connects the uterus with the vagina. Cervical cancer is a condition in which the cells of the cervix outgrow abnormally, invading the other parts of the reproductive system over time of not treated. The invasive type of cancer causes more damage by affecting the deeper tissues of the cervix.

As cervical cancer takes time to advance to next stages, with the help of proper medical support and effective cervical cancer treatment there could be increased chances to prevent cancer at the early stages.

How to Prevent Cervical Cancer?

Early detection of any cancerous condition increases the chances of cure at a significant level. However, cervical cancer will not show any kind of symptoms such as pain and discomfort. The only way to ensure the cervical cancer is detected at the early stages is by conducting regular pelvic exams and pap tests.

However, few characterized symptoms could be observed just during the initial stages of cervical cancer. 
  1. Pain during intercourse
  2. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  3. Bleeding after menopause
  4. Odor and discharge from the vagina
  5. Pain in the pelvic region
  • Pap Test (Pap Smear) - Pap test is a screening procedure that is conducted to check the presence of cervical cancer. In this procedure, the cells in the cervix will be gently scraped using an instrument called speculum and analyzed in the medical laboratory.
  • Pap test is simple and could be conducted in all major healthcare facilities. It is a better and easy method to prevent cervix cancer. Women who are above 21 years old need to undergo this simple medical test once in every 3 years.
  • The cell analysis will help in finding the abnormal growth of the cells, if any. If the tests are positive, you may need to undergo further tests for confirmation.
  • Medical examinations such as colposcopy will give a clear view at the cervix and takes less than 15 minutes for the examination. In this test, the doctor will physically examine the cervix using a specially designed instrument.
  • Cervical cancer is one among the very few cancers that could be prevented by taking simple precautions. HPV or the Human Papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in most of the cases
  • Undergo the Pap Smear tests and the HPV tests on a regular basis to check the abnormal growth of the cells in the uterus.
  • Get the HPV vaccine shot before becoming sexually active. The cut-off time for this vaccine is 26 years for females and 21 years for males.
  • Keep your body weight under control by following strict diet and exercise and a regular basis to prevent cervical cancer.
The health issues faced by women are mostly triggered by age-related organ degeneration, physical inactivity and lack of proper health consciousness for a long time. Women who are above 35 start getting various health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, bone-related health issues, joint pains, cardiovascular diseases and various cancerous conditions, especially cervical cancer.